With the overnight temperatures 15 degrees below zero up here in Minnesota in recent days, this story from the
London Daily Mail struck my fancy. It seems that a resort in southern Chile has designed and built the world's largest swimming pool. According to the article in the
Daily Mail, "[The swimming pool] is more than 1,000 yards long, covers 20 acres, has a 115-foot deep end, and holds 66 million gallons of [salt] water." Think of it—this pool is ten football fields long. If you had twenty acres of property, you could have your subdivision and build quite a few houses.
Basically, you can make of it what you will, but it seems like nothing is sacred anymore. I am certain that this Chilean resort invested a huge sum of money to develop this "natural" theme park. Undoubtedly, people from all over the world will make a visit, just so that they can say, "I swam in the largest swimming pool in the world!" I can't say that I really blame them for feeling that way, especially since the thermometer up here in Minnesota has had a hard time getting above zero the last few days.
I also posted about this resort several month ago.
I would like to go visit the resort sometime, but will probably not afford the fee.
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