At this time of year, the cold weather usually has us in its icy grip, and the Pillsbury campus often looks like this. But such is not the case this year. It is not my desire to get into the global warming debate, but it is worth noting that the weather here in southern Minnesota has been wonderfully mild the last couple of months. During our first winter in Owatonna (1984-1985), we saw the thermometer dip to 28 degrees below zero by the middle of December. And we received a fair amount of snow as well. Over the years, we have had our share of brutal winter weather during December and January. But this year, we have had exactly two snowstorms (if you can call them that). We had six inches on November 10, and then we had two inches on New Year's Eve. The temperatures have been quite moderate as well, with readings in the 30s and 40s not at all uncommon. But it is supposed to get down below zero by early next week for those who love cold winter weather.
If you are from Colorado, the very thought of any more snow this year sends shudders up and down your spine. I wouldn't much blame you for feeling that way. And who knows? Perhaps we will get dumped on before spring arrives. About all we can do is talk about the weather, so we will have to take it as it comes. Since I am not an winter outdoor enthusiast, I am grateful that we have gotten off fairly lightly this winter.
From another Minnesota resident: if this is global warming (and I don't think it is!), I like it!
I recall my rude awakening to a MinneSNOWta winter when teaching at Pillsbury in 96-99. What you describe (mild 30-40's and little snow) is typical of the non-mountain area of Wyoming I call home.
Blizzards, drifts and be-zero temps reminded me why I LEFT the Twin Cities decades earlier.
But with 14" of snow and still far below zero for the third day here in the banana belt, I'm remembering my Pillsbury days.
Don't worry about missing winter. It is still to come!
We're sending it your way . .
It appears that I spoke too soon. We received six inches of snow on Sunday night/Monday morning here in Owatonna. And we were the coldest spot in Minnesota with a temperature of 24 below zero on Monday morning. As a result, the Pillsbury campus looks very much like the photograph in this post.
We are warming up a bit; the temps are supposed to be in the twenties during the enxt couple of days. As we used to say when I was growing up in the Detroit area: "If you don't like the weather, just wait a few minutes. It will change!"
Having been in CO for the worst of their snowstorms this year and then moving back to MN a few weeks ago in the absolute lowest temps you have seen for a number of years, I am beginning to feel like we can't get a break when it comes to the weather!
I do feel sorry for Brett and Naomi moving back to Minnesota from the Colorado snow to the Minnesota cold. But take heart, guys. Spring should be here within a couple of months, I think?!?
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