Although I did not meet Dr. Parker until the last few years of his life, I have a "secondary" connection to him. He was an administrator at Bob Jones College during the 1930s and 1940s when the school was located in Cleveland, Tennessee. Both of my parents were there at the time, and they knew Dr. Parker well. Monroe Parker stayed on at Pillsbury until 1965, when he returned to an evangelistic ministry across the United States.

In addition to his southern accent, Jerry's family spoke Lithuanian at home, so he had a few "speech problems" when he enrolled in Bob Jones University during the 1960s. Bob Pratt and Joyce Parks, longtime members of the speech faculty at BJU, at first discouraged Jerry from going into evangelism. But when he said that he felt God's call to do so, they did everything they could to help him. Jerry is a perfect example of someone who overcomes a few obstacles to do what God called him to do.
That's what Pillsbury is all about, by the way. The faculty and staff want to do everything we can to help students find God's will for their lives and to help prepare them to do it. Please pray for our students, faculty, and staff duirng this new school year.
I love hearing Jerry Sivnksty preach. Hope you all have a great year!
Two of my favorite evangelists too! My dad was saved at an evangelistic service with Monroe Parker speaking, and Jerry Sivinsty has blessed me many times over the years!
I knew Dr. Parker during his latter years. I was a missionary with Baptist World Mission.
After my missionary service I was interviewed at Pillsbury for a position. I appreciated the opportunity to meet Dr. Crane and the board.
At my home church we just had Jerry Sivnksty in for a week of meetings. A real blessing and challenge to us all.
Kind regards,
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