During the second week of March, I played English horn in the BJU Opera Orchestra. We performed Camille Saint-Saƫns blockbuster work Samson and Delilah. The production featured fifty musicians in the pit orchestra and at least 150 cast members onstage. We put on three performances of Samson, and it was a rather emotional week for those of us in the orchestra. In all likelihood, this will be the last time Dr. Dwight Gustafson will conduct a major production here at BJU. I played my first opera with him in 1968, and he has been a wonderful mentor and friend over these past forty years.
It's hard to believe that there are only a few short weeks left in the school year. The BJU Graduation will be Saturday, May 8, and the prospect of that event brings back many memories of graduations past. It's part of the cycle of higher education. New students arrive on campus and four (or five) years later, they graduate. We get to know them, and then off they go to make something of themselves. Those of us who work in Christian higher education pray that our graduates will not only make something of themselves; we pray that God will shown them His will for their lives and that they will do it.
All in all, it's been wonderful to be back at BJU with so many good friends and good memories.